Group coaching or team coaching
Group coaching
Group coaching is a process in which a coach works with a group of a few up to over a dozen people on the same subject but the goals vary depending on the person. This kind of coaching is used while working with a group of people having the same needs, for example communication, creativity, changing job position (i.e. promotion) and innovation, problem solving. Group coaching can be practiced within one company, organization or as an open class, where the common subject could be for example a change of career direction, work, developing own business, balance between personal and professional life. A good example are coaching/training workshops open for individuals is, e.g. “Towards the new – mom goes back to work “.
Team coaching
Team coaching is applied within an organization. Team or leadership coaching is all about the coach working with the leader and his/her team on a specific team goal, for example: increasing the team sales results, team communication, improving particular skills of team members.
More often than not the effect of team coaching is defining the goals for the whole team, which will be consistent with the goals of individual team members. The team discovers its unique values, traits and talents. An activity plan is prepared, one that engages all of the team members. This in turn results in team members feeling synergy, cooperation and greater responsibility for the success of the whole team.
Within the team you can observe interpersonal conflicts or conflicts of interests
The team needs more and more time to execute similar tasks
The motivation for working in a team has significantly decreased
A whole new team is being created
There was an exchange of many team members
Lack of or failure to observe the group norms
There are leadership problems (for ex. an informal strong leader)
Previous trainings have not brought the intended results
Tools used in team coaching:
Teamcoaching International Model
Patrick Lencioni Model
TCI Team Diagnostic™ Assesment
Extended DISC ®
Feedback 360 stopni
A sample program of group coaching:
What is coaching?
1. Coaching as a method for developing people.
2. Why does coaching work?
3. Differences between coaching and:
• mentoring,
• feedback,
• a boss observing his clerk during a real conversation with a customer,
• counselling,
• on the job training.
4. The pillars and foundation of coaching.
5. Elements of the coaching process.
6. Coaching as a process; stages in the process of coaching:
• situation analysis – defining coaching goals
• planning – plan of personal development and of making changes
• development – implementing changes “Coaching through the gap”
• evaluation
Practical exercise: “ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR” or how can I recognize a good coach? The aim of the exercise is to draw the client’s attention to the basic skills a coach should possess.
Definitions and roles of a coach:
1. Definitions of a coach recognized by ICF.
2. Chosen competences of a coach:
• active listening,
• mirroring,
• asking questions,
• signing a contract with the coachee,
• relationship building,
• support,
• communicating.
3. Communication barriers – exercise. The goal is to illustrate the most frequent blocks in interpersonal communication.
4. Work rules:
• trusting the client,
• partnership,
• creativity,
• being present.
5. The attitude and ethics of a coach
6. Individual and group resources of a client: FIES method
Practical exercise: coaching session simulation.
The skills training and conducting coaching sessions:
Tools used in coaching:
• circle of life,
• sharpening a saw,
• postcard from the past,
• graduation,
• reverse planning and others…
Coaching vs a manager’s coaching style – similarities and differences:
The use of chosen elements of coaching in the communication between the manager and employee:
• delegating tasks,
• giving feedback,
• periodic evaluating-developing talks,
• motivating.
Reckoning of coaching effects:
The methods of measuring the effects of coaching – Kirkpatrick scale:
• reaction level,
• knowledge level,
• behavior-change level,
• influence level.
Practical exercise: coaching session simulation.