Career coaching
Career coaching is not giving career advice. A career coach does not advise the client but he/she supports the client in evaluating their on situation. That way the client can clearly see for himself/herself where he/she stands at the moment – what are his/her skills, qualifications, strong suits.
Later, the coach supports the client, so that he/she can specify where they would like to be, what they would like to do, which of their talents and qualifications they would like to use, what is important in their work, who he/she would like to be. The client notices what traits and skills he/she needs to develop in order to manage their career properly. As the result of coaching the client can consciously take action directed at developing career. Moreover, the client can increase his/her job satisfaction and contentment connected with their own professional development.
It’s an offer for you if:
You are at a crossroads and you don’t know how your career path should proceed
You are starting to think about changing your profession
You miss feeling a sense of fulfillment and having a sense of meaning in your current work
You are searching for passion or life mission
You want to introduce real changes in your life, that is to start being more satisfied with your work without changing your employer, to find your dream job or start feeling accomplished by establishing your own business
During the career coaching process owing to the coach’s support the client may:
Be more aware of his/her own expectations towards his/her career development
Clarify his/her professional goals and the means of realizing them
Optimize his/her decisions and actions
Ensure himself/herself a satisfying career development consistent with his/her professional aspirations and life values